Thursday, June 26, 2008

Once More...

The second installment of kids playing sports! This time it's D's sister, with softball. I had a good time catching all the great moments this time around! I hope you like these. :)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Baby Ethan

Today I had a fun time with baby Ethan and his mommy Andrea, who is also a friend of mine. She brought a lot of cute props too, so we took some fun pictures and then some classic shots. He is such a well behaved baby too! Enjoy these few teasers!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Horse Love

I had such a fun session on Tuesday with these two horse lovers! The horse (Joe) was cooperative, which was a plus. :) Thanks for putting up with my crazy ideas!

Take me out to the ball game...

Yesterday I had a unique session, during a baseball game! It was the perfect time of day and I had a great time. Here's a few shots. :) Enjoy your sneak peek!

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Wallace Family

I had a session with this gorgeous family on Saturday, and it was a lot of fun! And such a beautiful day too, we couldn't had asked for better weather. Enjoy your sneak peek!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Lovely Lake Michigan!

Just a warning, this post is going to be huge!! My little brother and I went with our friends' family to a campground on Lake Michigan last week, and it was a lot of fun! I took sooooo many pictures, but these are the best of the best. I actually had a mini session with my friend Rachel, and then with her sister Jaclyn, THEN with their parents, since it was their 22nd wedding anniversary weekend. In addition to that, Rachel took a bunch of me as well, which was hilarious. Now I know how my models feel! But anyway, on to the pictures. :)

Peaceful lake...for now.

Scruchy-faced Noah at the "biggest park ever". It really was huge.

Sarah on the merry-go-round, this was fun to take. :)

Another wave shot, I couldn't resist!

Noah is happy to be in the freezing cold water, obviously. :P And yes, we do feed him!

Rachel, in the gazebo. We loved this spot.

Gorgeous Jaclyn. :)

The anniversary shoot!

And one more from them. Re-creating a wedding shot.

Ahhhh, now on the the sunset shots. This was such a perfect sunset, needless to say, we took a LOT of pictures this night. Little did we know it would be the last clear sunset. This reminds me of an oil painting.

Rachel and I, jumping! This was so funny, we finally got a good one.

And last, but not least, a picture that Rachel took of me. I take no credit for this; the pose, composition, and everything is hers! Thank you!! :)

Well, that's it for Michigan. Hope you enjoyed them!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Snips, Snails, and...Mud?

That's what little boys are made of! This one, anyway. Noah decided to flood the wheel barrel track with water, and then build a dam for it. Oh, the joys of mud!

So typical.

Who can resist cute muddy feet? :)

And a handful of muck...

or a classic headshot? Awwwww.
(And I'm surprised his face is relatively clean.)